Who should sign the financial statements of a corporation?
Who should sign the financial statements is a common question that arises when someone director has resigned or acceded adjacent to annual endorsement. One question that usually arises is whether the board member who resigned is write in the Annual Report although the board member is no longer a director at annual endorsement? Another issue is when it takes on a new board member and then the question arises whether the new board member is write in the Annual Report even though he not been a director for most of the the fiscal year financial statements concerns beyond the redovisningsperiod incurred after access.
Annual Accounts signed – endorsement and signature of the Annual Report – who / what?
The general rule is, according to Annual Accounts Act the financial statements signed by all directors and the Executive Director (if there is a) – see excerpt below from the Annual.
What if:
– Board be expanded by a director,
– a director is leaving,
– a director will be replaced,
– CEO has been replaced or
– President has stopped and no new president selected (hired).
during the financial year or during the current fiscal year and before anyone had time to write on the financial statements of the current fiscal year? Who should sign the financial statements in the above case?
Enligt BFN U 96:7 the financial statements signed by the directors and the managing director who is elected at the time of delivery the Annual Report. According RedR 1 “those who sign the financial statements are all directors still the Executive Director to hold these functions at the time of the annual report released”.
The above means that when the time comes to sign the annual report to be those of the Board and the deputy executive at the time the Annual Report is ready for endorsement to sign the annual report.
Annual Report signature
7 § The company, economic associations and other business, represented by a board, the financial statements signed by all directors. If a Executive Director is appointed, he must also sign the financial statements.
In partnership, the annual be signed by all members having unlimited liability.
In a grouping of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EG) No 1082/2006 of the 5 July 2006 on a European grouping of territorial cooperation (EGTS) the annual report to be signed by all members of the grouping's Assembly and the Director.
The foundations under the management to the annual report to be signed by the trustee or, if a partnership is the foundation's trustees, of all members to represent the company.
In other business the financial statements signed by the reporting person or his deputy.
If financial statements prepared in electronic form, should be signed with advanced electronic signature according to the law (2000:832) Qualified Electronic Signatures.
If any of them signing the annual accounts have registered a dissenting opinion, opinion shall be annexed to the accounts. In cases referred to in the first paragraph of this but only if the objections were noted to the Board's minutes.
The annual report shall include information about the date it was signed. Create (2009:702).