You may have set up their own business or looking to start their own? The first thing that pops into your mind is – Accounting – damn boring. Then are you considering if you need to keep records? The law governing the accounting obligations is the Accounting (BFL). According 2 Chapter. BFL är följande juridiska och fysiska personer […]
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Annual Accounts (ÅRL)
Annual Report sections
Low: 2 Chapter. 1 § AAA An annual report shall consist of 1. a balance sheet, 2. an income statement, 3. note, and 4. a management report. The annual report for a larger company, there shall also include a cash flow statement. Create (2006:871).
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True and fair view
Low: 2 Chapter. 3 § ÅRL Balansräkningen, income statement and the notes will be implemented as a whole and present a true and fair view of financial position and results. If necessary for a fair presentation to be given, shall be provided additional information. Om avvikelse görs från vad som följer av allmänna råd eller rekommendationer från normgivande organ, be […]
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Transparency and generally accepted accounting principles
Low: 2 Chapter. 2 § AAA 2 § The annual report shall be drawn up clearly and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
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Change in accounting principle
Low: 3 Chapter. 5 § second to fourth paragraphs AAA (highlighted in red) Comparative 5 § For each item or sub-item in the balance, income and those notes provided in 4 § fourth paragraph 2 the amount of the corresponding record for the last financial year indicated. If the company has changed the principles of valuation, classification or differentiation […]
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Fortlevnadsprincipen (Going concern)
Fortlevnadsprincipen (Going conern) Low: 2 Chapter. 4 § first paragraph of section 1 ÅRL 4 § In preparing the balance sheet, income statement and notes on the following observed: 1. The company shall be presumed to continue operations. 2. The same principles of valuation, classification and categorization of the different lines and, where appropriate, sub-items must be applied consistently from one […]
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Accounting (BFL)
Accounting (BFL) is the law which governs the accounting work should be conducted in a business. Limited liability companies are another team that is significant in terms of the establishment and publication of an annual namely All companies must, under the Accounting save documents as the company's finances in 10 year. The reason for choosing 10 years […]
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Annual Accounts (ÅRL)
Annual Nature (1995:1554 ), covers the establishment and publication of annual report, consolidated financial statements and interim. The law has for years been the subject of a number of major and minor changes. Meanwhile GAAP developed and standardized by the sensors, Accounting Standards Board and Financial Accounting Standards Council, published standards for the year- and consolidated financial statements and the interim. Since 2001 companies have the opportunity to choose […]
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