Association are content
Required information
1 § Articles of Association shall specify
1. company name,
2. the place in Sweden, where the Board shall be established,
3. objects of the company, given by nature,
4. share capital or, this without amending the Articles shall be determined at a lower or higher amounts, minimum and maximum share capital, the minimum capital shall not be less than a quarter of the maximum,
5. number of shares or, if the articles of association set a minimum and maximum capital, the minimum and maximum number of shares, the relationship between minimum capital and the minimum number of shares shall be the same as the relationship between the maximum share capital and the maximum number of shares,
6. the number or minimum and maximum number of directors,
7. the number or minimum and maximum number of deputies, on such shall be,
8. the number or minimum and maximum number of auditors,
9. the General Meeting shall be convened, and
10. the time that the company's financial year shall be.
När antalet styrelseledamöter och styrelsesuppleanter anges enligt första stycket 6 and 7, the employee who is appointed under the Act (1987:1245) on Board for private sector employees not included.
In the case of public limited companies also apply 11 §. Create (2007:317).
Information on accounting currency
2 § Om bolaget skall ha euro som redovisningsvaluta, shall be specified in the Articles of Association. In that case, the articles of association also indicates that the share capital is denominated in euro.
Indication of the scope of activities
3 § Om bolagets verksamhet helt eller delvis skall ha ett annat syfte än att ge vinst till fördelning mellan aktieägarna, shall be specified in the Articles of Association. In this case, also, how the company's profits and the assets in the company's liquidation will be used.
Amendment of Articles of Association
Who can decide to amend the Articles of Association
4 § Ändringar i bolagsordningen beslutas av bolagsstämman. Provisions for Annual General Meeting in 7 Chapter.
Notification and enforcement of the decision to amend the Articles of Association
5 § Ett beslut om ändring av bolagsordningen skall genast anmälas för registrering i aktiebolagsregistret och får, except in the cases referred to in 27 Chapter. 8 §, not be executed until it is registered.
The government's permission for the amendment of the Articles of Association
6 § If the articles of association because of the law or the Government's consent has been included a provision for another provision in the articles of association may not be altered without the government has given permission for the, Nor may the former provision to change without government permission.
Panthavares consent to the record subject is removed from the Articles of Association
7 § Ett beslut om ändring av bolagsordningen som innebär att avstämningsförbehåll tas bort blir giltigt endast om de som har panträtt i bolagets aktier skriftligen har samtyckt till beslutet.
Special provisions for change in accounting currency
8 § Ett beslut om att införa eller ändra en sådan bestämmelse i bolagsordningen som avses i 2 § (decision on the change in accounting currency) shall take effect from the financial year beginning after the decision to amend the Articles of Association have been registered.
9 § Om bolaget har fattat ett beslut om byte av redovisningsvaluta, may change the association's data on the share capital or the minimum and maximum share capital reserved for the first regular meeting after the decision on change of accounting currency took effect.
10 § If the SCRO has registered a decision on the change in accounting currency, the Board shall, at the beginning of the next fiscal year count of the registered share capital to the new currency. The adjustment shall be made at the rate set by the European Central Bank, the last Swedish banking day from the previous year.
Styrelsen skall senast till den första ordinarie bolagsstämman efter det att beslutet fick verkan lägga fram förslag om nödvändiga följdändringar av bolagsordningens föreskrifter om aktiekapitalets storlek.
Special provisions applicable to public limited
Information on company category
11 § I fråga om publika aktiebolag, whose name contains the word public, the Articles of Association contains the specification of (publ) by firman.