Scope of application
1 § This law provides for the establishment and publication of Annual Report, consolidated financial statements and interim.
The law is, otherwise provided in 2 §, applicable to such companies as referred to in 6 Chapter. 1 § Accounting (1999:1078). Create (1999:1112).
2 § Act does not apply to undertakings referred to in 1 Chapter. 1 § first styChaptert Act (1995:1559) for Credit Institutions and Securities Companies or 1 Chapter. 1 § first styChaptert Act (1995:1560) Annual Accounts, Unless otherwise specifically provided in these laws.
Companies according to 1 Chapter. 1 § second paragraph Annual Accounts Act for Credit Institutions and Securities Companies or 1 Chapter. 1 § second paragraph of the Annual Accounts Act for Insurance Companies are required to prepare consolidated accounts in accordance with the laws are not required to prepare consolidated accounts under this Act. Create (1999:1112).
General definitions
3 § The Act does
1. companies: a natural or legal person who directly or indirectly subject to an annual, a koncernredovisning or an interim,
2. shares: shares and other interests in legal entities,
3. net: revenues from goods sold and services rendered as part of its normal activities, less discounts, VAT and other taxes directly linked to the turnover,
4. large companies:
- Companies whose shares, warrants or debt securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market or equivalent market outside the European Economic Area or
- Companies that meet more than one of the following conditions:
a) average number of employees in the company during each of the two financial years amounted to more than 50,
b) the company reported total assets for each of the two financial years amounted to more than 25 M,
c) the company reported net sales have been for each of the two financial years amounted to more than 50 M,
5. Small Business: businesses as small businesses,
6. larger groups:
-koncerner in which the parent company or any of the subsidiaries' shares, warrants or debt securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market or equivalent market outside the European Economic Area or
- Groups that meet more than one of the following conditions:
a) average number of employees in the Group during each of the two financial years amounted to more than 50,
b) Group companies reported total assets for each of the two financial years amounted to more than 25 M,
c) Group companies have reported net sales for each of the two financial years amounted to more than 50 M,
7. small groups: groups as small groups.
For the purposes of the first paragraph 6 b and c, receivables and liabilities between consolidated companies, and internal gains, eliminated. The same applies to income and expenses relating to transactions between group companies, and the change in internal profit.
Companies referred to in 2 Chapter. 2 § first paragraph and 3 § Accounting (1999:1078) to the application of the first paragraph 4-7 and 5 Chapter. 6 § to net sales to contribs, Gifts, membership fees and other similar income. Create (2009:34).
4 § A company is a parent undertaking and a legal entity is a subsidiary, about company
1. holds more than half the votes for all shares in the legal person,
2. owns shares in the legal person and as a result of agreements with other partners in their possession more than half the votes for all shares,
3. owns shares in the legal entity and has the right to appoint or dismiss more than half the members of its board of directors or equivalent governing body, or
4. owns shares in the legal entity and has the sole right to exercise a dominant influence over this because of an agreement with the legal person or due to regulation of its statutes, partnership agreement or comparable statutes.
Furthermore, a legal entity subsidiary of the parent, if another subsidiary of the parent or parent with one or more other subsidiaries or more other subsidiaries together
1. holds more than half the votes for all shares in the legal person,
2. owns shares in the legal person and as a result of agreements with other partners in their possession more than half the votes for all shares, or
3. owns shares in the legal entity and has the right to appoint or dismiss more than half the members of its board of directors or equivalent governing body.
If a subsidiary owns shares in a legal entity and is based on contracts with the legal person or because of the provision in its articles of association, partnership agreement or comparable statutes have the sole right to exercise a controlling influence over the entity, is also the subsidiary of the parent.
Parents and subsidiaries together are one group.
With group companies referred to in this Law Group Companies. Create (1999:1112).
5 § If a company owns shares in a legal entity that are not subsidiaries and exercises significant influence over the legal person's operational and financial management, and ownership is part of a lasting relationship between the company and the legal entity, is the legal entity affiliated to the company.
Holds a company at least twenty percent of the votes for all shares in a legal person, it shall be deemed to have such influence and such a connection with that referred to in paragraph, unless the circumstances indicate. The same is true about the company or subsidiary company together with one or more subsidiaries or more subsidiaries together hold at least twenty percent of the votes for all shares in the legal person. Create (1999:1112).
6 § In the case referred to in 4 § first paragraph 1-3 and the second paragraph and 5 § be such rights of a person acting in his own name but on behalf of another natural or legal person is considered to be the person.
In determining the number of votes in a subsidiary or associated companies does not take account of the interests in the subsidiary or associated company held by the company itself or by its subsidiaries. The same applies to shares held by the person who is acting for himself but for the subsidiary's or associate's or its subsidiaries' behalf. Create (1999:1112).
7 § If a company has become a parent company, the management of the company notifying the subsidiary's management. Subsidiary's management must provide leadership for the parent the information necessary for a consolidation is to be established. Create (1999:1112).