Hur redovisar man utgifter för en hemförsäkring som betalats via bolaget och får bolaget ta denna kostnad? Nej, om har du betalat för din Home Insurance via your business then this cost is non-operational and do not belong in the company's income statement. Only costs that are attributable company operations, that is, those that primarily generates revenues may be accounted for as operating expenses. This means that the cost of your home insurance will be charged to you in private and not part of the company's costs. How do you account for this cost of home insurance that you now know, not be charged to the company? Luckily enough, the cost of home insurance without VAT, vilket innebär att det som avgör hur du hantera det hela är bolagsformen. Är det en enskild firma så är det ingen större fara! Then you can record your home insurance as a separate outlet. However, it is a corporation, the rules on prohibited loans raised, but there we jump this time. You book the cost of claims against employees. Once you have paid the amount to be booked this claim away!