
RR 1:00 Consolidated (incl. BFNAR 2005:1)
RR 2:02 Inventories
RR 4 Accounting for extraordinary items and information for comparison purposes (8,9 MB)
RR 5 Accounting for change in accounting principle (1,1 MB)
RR 6:99 Leases (2,3 MB)
RR 7 Cash Flow Statements (2 MB)
RR 8 Accounting for Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange
RR 9 Income Taxes
RR 10 Construction Contracts
RR 11 Revenues
RR 12 Materiella anläggningstillgångar
RR 13 Intresseföretag
RR 14 Joint Ventures
RR 15 Intangible assets
RR 16 Provisions, Liabilities and Contingent
RR 17 Impairment
RR 18 Earnings per share (1,3 MB)
RR 19 Discontinued operations
RR 20 Delårsrapportering
RR 21 Lånekostnader
RR 22 Presentation of Financial Statements
RR 23 Related party disclosures
RR 24 Förvaltningsfastigheter
RR 25 Segment reporting – business segments and geographic areas
RR 26 Subsequent events
RR 27 Financial instruments: information and classification
RR 28 Government Grants
RR 29 Employee Benefits